Answerable? Yes. This short commentary from Singapore aims to get you discussing.Career-wise, what's going on in the heads of today’s youth in Singapore? There's no definite answer, but one thing's for sure, it's a mixture of complicated and simple things. From I'll do my best to get Ana to say yes for another date' to 'I'm fated to be the next Audrey Quek and I'll do my best'. Think along those lines.
Today's youth are very complicated, really. They're driven by dreams, both small and big and they work at mach-tree. They carry with them torches of dreams that are as fiery as the sun, which is why older generations fancy describing their antics as unpredictable.
But, are they really unpredictable? To a certain extent, yes, their habits are incalculable but, not to the point of being scary. Contrary to common notion, there are still things in the minds of today's youth that can be quantified and drawn. Like, where they want to work in the future. Just recently, The Business Times shared an interesting perspective on this: "SIA undergrads' top employer choice: survey" featured the most sought after employers of undergrads and fresh graduates here in Singapore. This was based on an online poll that Swedish firm Universum had conducted from February to April. We have to admit, we're very interested in knowing how the undergrads of today see career advancement and job satisfaction. Are ‘theirs’ really a far cry from ‘ours’ in the past? This article has given us a circumspect outlook, which is why we're very grateful for it.
The poll asked business, engineering and natural sciences students from some of the top universities here in Singapore to name five employers that they most wished to work for. So, which top companies emerged as the most desired? The number one spot was bagged by Singapore Airlines. ExxonMobil and Shell ranked 2nd and 3rd respectively on significance of the petroleum industry. Business graduates remained partial to the financial sector, but still banks dominated the top 10. Other noteworthy employers in the top 10 were Google and Walt Disney Company.
Many were willing to try other fields for the sake of career success, according to the poll. Their choices spanned from Oil & Gas and Information Technology to Pharmaceuticals and Public Service.
As for career aspiration, work-life balance topped the poll by a large margin. That, you have to know, made us feel good.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Career-wise, what's going on in the heads of Singapore's youth?
9:20 AM