Why this sudden post about internships? This was due to a good news The Business Times had published last Jun 19 (which we also had featured in Headlines that Matter two days ago) and our recent interview with Joanne Chua, a final year student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Companies are finally realising that interns are a great source of concepts and ideas. Joanne here is a supporter of student work experience. It's like these two happened in collaboration at just the right time to bring about the best possible blogging rights for us. Are you about to undergo internship? There's no reason for you to lack the tenacity.
At least, there's a higher possibility that you'll not be left to tend to the telephone and the photocopy machine. Universities require internship for what? To introduce students to the work world. What's good is that more and more companies are becoming receptive to this. Internship posts now offer better exposure and guidelines for students, much like real job posts, according to experts. To be given the opportunity to participate in company brainstorm sessions counts as a high ten in the student work experience scale."Exposure" is the reason Joanne encourages student work experience. Joanne has told JobsDB.com Singapore that earning work experience as a student is important because it will not only give students a wider perspective of the business world but also teach them useful skills such as effective communication, problem solving and time management. "Instead of job hopping in the future, make full use of your liberty as a student to gain as much exposure by trying out different part-time jobs during the holidays!", Joanne has told us. If you want better experience, why not consider student part times as well just like Joanne did? Joanne worked as part time for JobsDB.com Singapore once -- as a customer service staff for JobsDB.com Career Expo 2008 to be exact.
Internships and student part time jobs aren't a waste of time. "Working as a student will not guarantee a high pay, however it is the experience that matters", Joanne said it best. You can read our complete interview with Joanne here: www.jobsdb.com.sg/SG/EN/Resources/JobSeekerArticle/JobsDB%20Campus?ID=381.
JobsDB Campus is the preferred portal for fresh graduate jobs, internship opportunities and student jobs in Singapore. Campus also features links that can help you with your career plans. Our career guide library has tips on resume writing, cover letter making and job interviews. We interview inspiring students as well just like Joanne. Bookmarking Campus is really to your advantage.
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Thursday, June 24, 2010
About internships and why student work experience counts
3:00 PM