I'm certainly looking for more career opportunities, more prospects, especially in jobs that require me to venture out into the region or on a global scale. And of course it certainly helps if they offer me a higher salary, given that the economy is picking up." Lotus-lee Chin wants to take advantage of the improving job market, we've read from channelnewsasia.com.
And she's not the only one. It seems that more and more professionals are refusing 'so-so' (for a lack of better term) job offers, for 'great' ones -- by 'great' we mean, those that offer rewarding benefits (e.g. competitive salary) and opportunities for career advancement. The recession has taught Singapore a lot of things. For businesses, it's the importance of ethical decision making, it's been stated. For working professionals? Apparently, it's the difference between keeping a 'job' and living with a 'career'. Looking to take advantage of the improving job market, many are currently on the hunt for that rewarding stint."The optimism has driven Singapore professionals and workers to raise their career expectations." It's quite understandable why. After lay-offs, a scarcity of jobs, and companies closing here and there, who wouldn't feel the urge to move to a stable ground? We're referring to a career that offers security in case another hiccup happens. Have you been thinking of changing jobs for the better too just like the majority?
Hudson Singapore's latest release, which the aforementioned article from channelnewsasia.com was based from, reported an increased number of job rejection in the past six months. This was four points higher than the last time the question was posed on the third quarter of 2006, another report from The Business Times pointed out.
But it's not like employers aren't making counter-offers. 38% percent of the respondents told Hudson that their current employers had tried to bargain, according to a similar article from the Straights Times.
JobsDB.com Singapore has also published a report about Hudson's findings on News Watch. Our summaries are as follows:
- Expectations are more than twice as high as they were a year ago: just 26 percent forecast headcount growth in Q3 2009, compared with 57 percent this quarter.
- Many employers recognise they must increase salaries to retain top talent: 42 percent are prepared to offer increments of more than 10 percent.
- Employers are increasingly receiving job refusals from candidates to whom they make job offers.
- Higher salary expectations and offers from other companies are the most significant reasons for candidates declining job offers.
- More than half the employers surveyed say they have seen levels of work-related stress rise in the last year.
- An increase in the volume of work is by far the most significant cause of work-related stress.
If your answer's a yes, what resources are you planning to use? Even if your contacts are out of the question, it can also help to register in our website. JobsDB.com Singapore is the preferred jobs portal for Singapore Careers and Jobs in Singapore - From Accounting Jobs and Banking Jobs to Beauty Careers and Entertainment Jobs. You can apply for jobs from our 20,000 job listings here: www.jobsdb.com.sg/SG/en/Search/NewAdvanceSearch.
For more information about career changes, please visit our Career Advice Section.
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