Remember our cool jobs post? We like challenging you by throwing interesting but insightful questions once in a while on this blog. A way to induce breathers? You can call it that, but we do this primarily to get you to share your insights with us, much like our goal for headlines that matter and survey discussion. The same goal but in a different approach of getting results, get it? Here's another one.
Why should job hunters be like guerrillas to get the kind of result they want? What do you think? Just in case, defines a guerrilla as "a member of a band of irregular soldiers that uses guerrilla warfare, harassing the enemy by surprise raids, sabotaging communication and supply lines, etc. " Someone with a goal and will do just about everything to get that goal, so to speak. Here's what the author of the theory has to say. Check if his views are the same as yours. "Conventional job search tactics get conventional results – no matter what country you live in", David Perry, owner of Perry-Martel International Inc. and co-author of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 2.0 has told us when we've interviewed him for Career Advice. This is how we interpret his words: one needs to be different in how he handles things with his job search to get a result that's "different" from what the majority is getting -- one that actually offers a future. To catch the attention of employers right away so as to avoid frustration, in a nutshell. Have you heard of the book, BTW?
Is David implying that it's okay to be aggressive? Yes, but this isn't the same as making cold calls and also applying for job ads for which you don't qualify for, mind you. There's a big difference between making yourself more noticeable to employers and over doing it. David's guerrilla marketing comprise of "Guerrilla Resumes, the Coffee Cup Caper, and the Trojan Thank-You Note." Kind of self explanatory, really.
But how exactly can you make use of guerrilla tactics in your job hunting? You're lucky because David has also shared with us these tips. If you have time, you can download an hour long MP3 on this by going to the book's web site: We're listing these points in bullet form for your easy reference (we've injected them with some slices of our knowledge too. Better take things easy, after all):
- Begin with clarity. Know what you want before sending your applications. This will make your job hunting organised.
- Network. A favorite among career experts. Communicate with former colleagues, attend career events and also join social media sites like Linkedin and Facebook. Add us a friend on FB and join our network on Linkedin.
- Be easy to find. Make your resume viewable online. Upload it on internet jobs portals likes Singapore.
- Stop sending cover letters. According to David, send sales letters, instead ( a pumped up cover letter that can "show" [not just tell] employers what you're capable of, so to speak). Feel free to explore the archives of this blog for tips on how you can do this or visit Career Advice at
- Stop sending resumes. You get the idea.
- Let others sell you. Your references can make or break you. Only pick the one who you've really done business with and who knows your work ethics.
- Do the thinking for the employer. Answer to their job ads. When writing your cover letter and resume, get to the employer's perspective.
- Get on Linkedin. Not familiar with this website? Join our group there and send our manager a message for help. We'll be glad to assist you.
- Sell money at a discount. Not the salary. Explain the employers how you can make or save them money.
- Remember, "no" simply means "not today". The word shouldn't stop you from dreaming to get to that big company. You'll get your time.
- Target employers precisely. Go back to number one.
- When in doubt, do the opposite. Just another way to say that positivity counts.
Sounds difficult? Don't hesitate! Maybe it will help boost your morale if we post this here: "Doing what everybody else is doing may cost you dearly in lost income and lost opportunity. You may relegated to all but the dullest jobs – because the goods jobs were taken by those who went after them." Don't be afraid to embrace guerrilla tactics in your job hunting -- the tactics are being sold in book form for a reason.
A career expert as he is, we've also asked David his views on how job hunters can uncover the hidden jobs market. If you're a job hunter, he wants you to make yourself easier to find (joining career websites will do). And of course, he's also up for networking. But he's stated a reminder: "It’s better to reach the people who count, than to count the people you reach. Networking is not a numbers game." You can read more from David at
'Guerilla Marketing For Job Hunters 2.0' is published by John Wiley & Sons, BTW, and is available in all good bookstores now. Find out more about the book at
We promise this week to be good for job seekers. What's in store? We're set to discuss new career seminars from, for one. Secondly, we're due to feature new interviews with career experts about job interviews and resume writing. And of course, the job updates. Great things to look forward to for the coming days. Bookmark now for easy access. Singapore
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