We've been writing a lot of crap over here, lately... it seems. Not that we're criticising our own inputs, but well, we judge by your reactions. That's what the tide is pointing to. Have we been stuffing you with too much overkill these past few days? Are you already losing the interest? Old habits die hard, they say; we can't promise to shake off the senti mojo anytime soon, but we'll try. Gradually, it'll show. We've been writing like overdosed Shakespeares for as long as we can remember and have yet to get tired of it, apparently. For now, what we can offer is assurance: that we'll continue giving you career tips, albeit dressed in random ramblings on life and behold.
But how exactly do you go about writing a topic so personal? Explain the science behind every reaction of an interviewer? Or the physics behind first impression? We won't do that even if you offer to pay us a fortune. That will bore out even the nerdiest of our followers -- as bloggers it's our duty to be informative and entertaining at the same time. In the first place, this is a blog about career, why write about the psychology of recruiters or why people rant?
Here we go again with our defenses. We're not being close minded, but there really is no better way than to write senti as far as the task of getting readers into "participating" is concerned. We're not psychologists, but it's our job to get what you're feeling so that we can write about it and help you. Indirect conversation, but still a healthy discourse. There's no overreacting involved in here, that's what blogs are supposed to do.
Okay, that's about enough rambling for today. Off with the real agenda. To be fair, though, that intro is kind of related to what we're scheduled to write about this day. Sep 16 is marked as "government jobs" in our calendar -- jobs in public service, positions which require as much devotion as we have for our sworn goal. We feel inclined to provide everyone with answers for their career questions.
Er, was that going a bit too far? Anyway...government positions...
We're far from being herd animals. But even people who are as stubbornly individualistic as ourselves, keepers of this blog, can occasionally be seized with the desire to be a part of the mob. The limelight has been on government officials commenting on minimum wage and the undying foreign workers issue for quite some time now. We're loyal news readers.. you know that for sure. We can't help but be involved with this trend, seeing as its a part of our jobs to update you about the Singapore job market and well, we're naturally talkative when it comes to Singapore jobs. Er, we didn't intend that to sound that defensive. Anyway, it has gotten some of our followers into thinking: are government jobs really that stressing? Partly yes, because your job is to answer to all the needs of the people. But not all public service positions are like that.
The last time we spoke about public service, it was on the general sense -- how benefiting a career in government could be, this and that. That was like half a year ago. It's been so long since we've last written about government jobs, needless to say. We don't want to bore you out, so we've decided to go about the task with a little twist. How about we focus on the fun aspects of public service? Let's put off with the stresses for now and focus on the lighter aspect of the field. By "lighter" we mean, the "fulfilling" aspect of being a part of the field.
How exactly are we going to do that? Make up more senti rants? We're very good at that, but no. By discussing The VSC. How about that? Fulfillment comes with serving the society for free; VSC positions are the best when it comes to satisfaction in the government field. The Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) is considered an important component of the Singapore Police Force (SPF). VSC officers are vested with equal powers of a police officer and the opportunity to enforce law and order in Singapore. If you've been monitoring Career Advice lately, you probably already know that JobsDB.com Singapore has recently chatted with a VSC officer for Industry Focus.Ms. Neo Fung Leng is an officer from Volunteer Special Constabulary of Tanglin Police Division. As VSC, she has told us that, she's given great opportunities to contribute to the society and help make Singapore a safer place for her family and fellow citizens.
There's just no way you won't feel any kind of fulfillment in a cause like this. Fung Leng has shared, "Ever since becoming a VSC officer, I've become a more confident person; I have developed greater alertness and fitness, and become more aware of my surroundings, all of which are useful skills that I can apply to my personal and work lives as well."
"I strongly encourage fellow Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents who have a great passion to serve to join us as a Volunteer Special Constabulary officer and be a truly extraordinary volunteer!" Fung Leng has told us with enthusiasm. How? Basically (because we're all about convenience for our readers): application, 9 months of basic non-residential training (basic policing and legal knowledge e.g. street craft, firearms, drills and unarmed combat), and deployment.
Read more about Fung Leng @ www.jobsdb.com.sg/SG/EN/Resources/JobSeekerArticle/industry%20focus?ID=432. For more information on Singapore Government Jobs, we recommend the following Industry Focus articles:
The Singapore Police Force - Traffic Police
Civil Aviation Authority Of Singapore
National Heritage Board
The Life Saving Force - Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)
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