In all honesty, we're not 'that' brave. Probably, not as brave as you think we are. Our fear of experimenting with writing styles is one proof...and there's more.
They say that it's normal for writers to have weird tendencies; we're worried about our case because it's different. Our being paranoid is considerably graver than what's normal...
Which explains why we're afraid to try different things. We've asked for your suggestions because we don't want you to lose interest.
BUT we try. What's important is we make attempts to brace our fears. Today we'll try to prove that once more. Considering that Christmas is just around the corner, this tone that we've chosen to use for today is a little bit of a party-pooper, but we hope that our warrant is understandable. So, off the topic at hand?
Are we planning to destroy your holiday mood by talking about a serious aspect of career building or job hunting today? No way. Well, we don't want to lose our holiday mood too.
Because it's Christmas, we don't want to spoil your mood with too much serious information. So, what we've chosen to talk about today is somewhat fun but still relevant. Just enough to get you in a study but cheerful mood -- the perfect mood for Christmas!
We know...we should already be vacationing, just like the most of you. But really, we just want to make sure that you guys are good with your careers and set to start off 2011 with a bang. Plus, we haven't featured career articles from Career Advice for quite some time now, favoring our own interpretations to stuff. So here we go...They say that change is constant. Ergo, career planning is a continuous affair. To achieve career success, needless to say, is to stay relevant in the workplace. The work world is never at rest and so should you be if you want to reach the stars. It's all about doing the things that will make one's skills and qualifications current, which can be done through proper timing and researching. Adaptability is an essential skill.
You can say that this isn't cheery at all and we won't argue. But don't be discouraged because Career Advice, through Singapore, is more than willing to lend you a hand. Well, the website's been Human Resources Magazine's recruitment website of the year since 2006 for a reason (a title our parent website has held for five years now). The section is very rich when it comes to career articles on the topic of staying relevant, written by career experts and recruitment professionals.
This article from Kelly Services at, for instance, which has just been uploaded by our editors, gives tips on how career professionals, both career builders and job hunters, can embrace adaptability to stay relevant. Flexible working, life long learning, training opportunities, office environment, dress code, career management, and work life balance are among those listed as the most important aspects to look into in line with the goal.
Another article from Kelly Services, which can be found at, lists down what one can do to to get the ball rolling for himself. The tips are as follows:
- know yourself
- set your goals
- update your skills
- commitment
- make your voice heard
- take responsibility
- flexibility
- connect with people
- mentoring
- taking risks
- office politics
- work smarter
- being a winner
These articles, although our editors have published them separately, go together. Use them side by side as reference for better execution.
Another article on Career Advice that we want you to read can be found at Here, career coach, Atul Mathur argues that how smooth and fruitful one's job search will be depends on how prepared he is. In line with this, he's provided five steps:
- take charge of your thoughts
- know yourself
- learn what works
- know the environment
- dreams, goals and plan
What about for job seekers? Kevin Donlin's "Troubleshooting Your Job Search" at is an excellent reference for them. Those who are looking to step up their efforts in 2011 but don't know how to are very encouraged to read this.
"Jobs Application Tips" by Kelly Services at is also a great reference on how to make applications stand out. In a nutshell, the writers are suggesting that you:
- put yourself in the employer's shoes
- keep an open mind
- dollars and sense
- develop a strategy
- make an effort
Other new uploads at that we want you to check out:
How to Get Around the Three Major Mental Roadblocks to Success
Writing cover letters that sizzle
Is There Employment After 50?
20 Tips to Help You Make a Great Impression Singapore
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For career tips, we recommend Career Advice. From job hunting tips to career development guidelines, get advice from experts @