Training and development. These words have held special positions in our hearts since... since... well, ages. Writing about the learning aspect of career may be difficult (heck, anything about career really), but we don't mind. Everything's for our readers. That's how devoted we are in keeping them satisfied and their careers, well kept. Aside from providing tips on resume writing and job interviewing and commenting on common career building notions, offering seminars is a part of the package.
As a matter of fact, although we've already spent a lot of Mondays featuring and Career Events on this blog, we're not yet tired. Our readers seem to like this tradition, what with the lack of violent reactions to this date. We'd like to think of that as a strong reason to continue for many more Mondays despite the stress.
Today's another Monday, and so...yes, this is going to be another discussion on training opportunities and career workshops. Get your notepads handy, so you can take note of everything that we'll be offering here.
Admittedly, our editors haven't scheduled a lot for December. Not really a very busy month, but that's not enough for a reason to postpone the tradition. We might as well use the Mondays of this Month promoting in advance those in store for January 2010. As the saying goes, the earlier the better. The freebies for early sign ups are there and well, you probably get the drift.
So before your boss takes his leave for the holidays (or you do), please consider signing up for these seminars from Career Events:To be held on January 22, Unleash Your Image Power Through Dressing and Etiquette with Audrey Quek will empower you with skills to stand out among your competitors and be remembered!
February is also a month of business etiquette and professional image for Career Events. Set to take place on February 19, Present with Confidence with master coach, Jenson Siaw will impart you useful and effective tactics and share secrets of professional speakers and presenters.
As you may already be aware (we're as excited about it as you are, hence our constant mentioning of it), Career Expo 2011 will be held on March. Part of its tradition is to offer career talks for attendees as well. The fact that Career Events will be sponsoring those proposed career talks should be enough to get you to participate.
First 20 sign ups will receive complimentary Flower Advisor vouchers for all these seminars, so you may enlist as early as now! For more information, please call Pei Yan or Linc at 6861 1000 or email us at
But well, this month's not a total zero for Singapore in terms of learning. Allow us to layout what's been scheduled before Christmas. Although there's only a few, these events are worth the time attending. Career Events right now is focusing on polishing its schedule for next year, but still has something to offer for restless career professionals, both career builders or job hunters.
Give us a minute to look back at the calendar. Oh, this December, actually has something for your communication skills, negotiation skills, writing skills, logic skills, and computer skills. A very versatile month, indeed. An opportunity you shouldn't miss! It's not every month that is this broad in its offerings... that you should know if you're a regular participant of its sessions or a reader of this blog.
Anyway, leading experts in communication skills, Shirley Taylor and Alison Lester are set to facilitate another session of Successful Business Communication Skills this coming December 10. For a fee of S$455, With a course outline so broad, attending is definitely worth it. All participants will receive Shirley & Alison's brand new book 'Communication: Your Key to Success' worth S$20.
What's in store for your negotiation skills? Expert in credit management, George Goh will be having The Art of Collecting Debts Through the Telephone again on December 10. Those with Sales Executive Jobs, Call Centre Jobs, Retail Jobs, Insurance Jobs and Banking Jobs are specially encouraged to join.
Troubled with your Technical Writing Job? If it's your goal to improve your writing skills before the year ends, writer for an IT Job or not, you should definitely join Sandra Sandu-Reeves on December 14. She'll be having Effective Technical Writing Skills again on that date.
Here's what's been set for those who are looking to improve their thinking skills. Scenario Planning is a two-day programme for those with Manager Jobs and Team Lead Jobs. It'll provide participants with the ability to calculate the Return On Investment (ROI) for Scenario Planning projects. Don't dare miss it.
Those with Office Jobs, e.g. HR Jobs, Accounting Jobs, Sales Jobs, and IT Jobs in Singapore are encouraged to join IT skills trainer, Sharon Connolly on December 15 for Microsoft Office Productivity Buffet. The workshop will take you on an intensive shortcut-filled Microsoft Office productivity journey.
For more information, please contact at 6861 1000 or email to
We'll be waiting for your sign ups! Have suggestions for us with regards to seminars? Please feel free to use the comments section! Singapore
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Monday, December 6, 2010
Training and development for career professionals.
9:39 AM