Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I am not getting interview invites.

Yo, it's been a while. If you've been a blog follower since a long time ago, you're probably wondering what has happened to us.

Well, we're doing just fine. Busy but fine. Actually, we have a perfectly acceptable reason for not updating or writing or sharing anything (not even a ramble) this long. Thing is, many things are going on right now at our end (which is not surprising because the people behind are eternally workaholic and motivated). Rest assured, the skips have been committed for a good reason. You guys just have to wait to know what this reason actually is.

And no, we haven't forgotten our recent survey pursuit. Don't even go there. We know our commitments and it's not like us to forget them just because we've gotten ourselves in a little too much work tangles. Actually, from 14, the number of responses to our survey has increased to 25, making our last declaration a little bit faulty now. Although the crown of having the biggest number of ticks still belongs to the 'Identifying Suitable Job Opportunities' (as declared in the last update) option, the fact that the "I am not getting interview invites" under the "Job Interviewing" subcategory displays a very long orange bar can't just be ignored.

Yup, that bar just can't be ignored. Much like the new accounting jobs, engineer jobs, banking jobs, IT jobs, HR jobs, and telecom jobs in our database. Anyway, what exactly is our advice to those people that have made that orange bar this long (and those others who can relate to their problems)?

Here's the thing: We haven't changed our definition of a perfect job search: A perfect job search is targeted. The jobseeker chooses carefully the job ads he/she applies to and edits his/her resume based on the specific requirements of each of those job ads in his/her roster. Simple as that. Now, look back at your approach. Is this scenario familiar or very different?

We'll leave it there.

For those of you who have friends who haven't participated in the survey yet, just lead them to the post below this one.