Wednesday, September 7, 2011


With a fast-changing world as a backdrop, you have to admit that the task of achieving success isn't a very easy thing to do. And so, companies keep up with trends like a broker does to the stock market. Similarly, jobseekers and career builders do everything to improve their chances of succeeding in their individual pursuits. What we have here is a busy discourse of "mind your own businesses" yet, nobody gets offended because that's simply the things have become.

Needless to say, JobsDB is always seeking ways to improve the services it provides to its jobseeker members and employer clients. How so is it devoted to the task?

It goes without saying that social media websites have become a relevant part of our lives. With that in mind, immediately set up profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and even joined the blogging scene in hopes of reaching a wider audience and delivering our Singapore banking jobs, accounting jobs, engineer jobs, admin jobs, and telecom jobs better. We spend time answering the concerns you've posted on our Facebook wall or via mentioning @JobsDBSingapore in your tweet daily.

Not that we're testing your ability to feel grateful (we're well aware that our efforts are recognised). All the repetitions are for potential followers who've been lurking around our social media empires for a while -- We want them to stay connected with us like you do.

If you've been keeping up with our rambles and rants for quite some time now, you should be familiar with these icons:

Join our Fanpage on Facebook!Follow us on Twitter!Watch our YouTuBe Videos!Read our blog!Please write a review on!

It's our gateway to the social media scene. If you're not yet a follower, a friend or a member, you know what to do. Click! Click! Click!

Also, JobsDB Singapore jobs are available as RSS feeds... all 30,000 of them. Just one click can lead you to opportunities and chances of joining Singapore's top employers. This button right here will hand you the convenience:


Speaking of convenience, the 'need' for it has never been this strong -- These days, cellphones are no longer considered luxuries. It is for this reason that JobsDB has developed an IPhone App. If you're an IPhone user, you might be interested to check this out: