Monday, September 12, 2011

Is there something wrong with your job search? We might be able to help.

Bad news: We have officially lost our touch. But here's the thing: You can help to get it back. If you miss our long ramblings about Singapore jobs and career advice (In other words, our talkative selves), you should take part in this...uhm...activity.

One thing's for sure: we need your inputs badly. And although our survey skills are far from being at par with professional standards, at the very least, we get people talking through such means. At the very least, we know what to talk about (and there is an assurance that our efforts will pay off because we will be read). There.

It seems that our last survey isn't getting anymore responses, but really, the number 24 is enough to encourage us to create another one. This time, we are addressing the survey to our jobseeker readers: In what aspect of job hunting are you the most confused? We want to know, so we could give our best for help.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Alternatively, you may Click here to take survey