Friday, July 22, 2011

A short note before you go "TGIF"

One thing's for sure: If you've been following us since a long time ago, you should should know that we love resume writing and job interviewing as topics so much. We brought ourselves a lot of trouble because of this strange liking -- many complained of lack of variety over here. Anyway, we'd like to think that we've somehow improved on this aspect since the above described "dark ages", so our confidence level remains high.

Why, oh why, has this issue been pushed back into the spotlight? Not that we're complaining. It's just that the pressure can be exhausting and well, who wants to be stressed out, anyway?

Nevertheless, we're certainly not apathetic. Given this premise you've put us in, we definitely feel obliged to whip up something unique for today or we'll be doomed. Safest path to take? Take things uphill. How's salary increase for a topic?

Career Advice has plenty of resources about this topic, so yes, if you think that it's about time you receive a pay rise, read these:

How to Get that Pay Raise

Show Me The Money

Tips on How to Ask for a Raise

Use These Key Salary Negotiation Techniques to Write a Counter Proposal Letter

Double Your Salary

And we'll end it here. You see, we care for your social/family life.