Monday, July 18, 2011

A short note on job loss

It's a great Monday morning and what better way to get the ball rolling with a discussion on a happy career topic to suit the happy ambiance? Right. We don't like playing the Grinch at all, however, our scheduled topic for today is job loss.

Remember that we wrote an article about job loss for last year? Our plan is to re-promote that article today over here, for our new followers. 'Coping with Job Loss" has been well received since its posting date and our editors feel the need to feature it again here.

Anyway, we have no plans of extending this feature to 500 words, so old followers need not worry about getting bored. What are the highlights of this article?

Because a lot of us identify ourselves with the jobs we keep, job loss is widely perceived as a frightening affair. Have you recently lost your job? Battle non-productivity by doing worthwhile things that can benefit you and your family like getting contract jobs and volunteering. Learning opportunities are also a great way to stay productive after job loss. The catch is that any of these options can improve your CV and make you more valuable as a job seeker.

Also, don't rush to get a new job because employers may see this a sign of desperation. Plan your moves carefully and edit your resume to suit each of the job ads you're interested to apply for.

Blog features can only share so much. Do you want to learn more? You can read the complete article at But here's the thing: no matter what, My JobsDB and Job Alerts can lend you a hand. JobsDB Learning will assist you with your search for career seminars to attend.

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