Saturday, January 23, 2010

Advice For HR Practitioners: Preparing For The Upturn

HR Practitioners need to focus on two key areas in order for them to be able to seize all the benefits of the upcoming economic upturn, according to Mark Lim, Web Editor of Singapore in his HRM Asia article.

1: Building of talent pool
"It’s important to ensure that you are able to get access to the best talent for the right jobs in your company", Mark says. According to him, the best ways to build up talent pool are Networking (e.g. attending industry conferences), Online Networking (via sites like LinkedIn and Facebook), and Keeping contact details of past job applicants.

2: Streamlining of hiring processes
"In these competitive times, it’s crucial for companies to get the best value for every advertising dollar that HR spends on job advertisements", Mark says. This is why using online recruitment portals, like, is very advantageous -- not only do they offer cost-effective solutions but also provide wide job ad coverage.

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