Job dissatisfaction and prolonged unemployment are arguably, two of the most discussed career topics on the web. Proof is this blog: publishing something about either of the two over here will automatically result to getting feedback. You know us, right? Given our uncanny addiction to receiving reactions from our readers (due to our insecurity, perhaps), this is something that we've long taken note of (and practice as much as we can).
These two career problems could have developed popularity online because they seem difficult to get out of. But truth be told, though different in context, there's actually only one way to get out of their brand of rut: persistent action. Popular e-book writer, Athul Mattur shared it best with our editors for Career Advice once: "The key to solving sticky problems is not to succumb to negative, depressing thoughts but to stay motivated."
You know our favorite lines, right? To confused job seekers, we always argue that competition in the Singapore job market is tight, so it is important that one recognizes the power of patience. For career professionals, things are a little bit different, but it all boils down to confidence in one's abilities and skills -- in other words, one should know how to present these properly to the top executives.
"Getting motivated is another issue entirely!", you may be complaining. Here's the thing: thinking that lack of motivation is the reason why you've remained down in terms of career to this date is surely lighter in the heart than any other. Are you facing one of these career problems? Well, do you lack motivation? Athul's tips are simple:
- Meditate
- Bathe with inspiration
- Write away your worries
His full article can be read at Believe us, trying his suggestions is going to improve how you perceive the task of career development.
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