Thursday, August 11, 2011

Random thoughts... training and development, networking, relationship building, planning.

Continuing education is essential to career advancement. Acquiring new skills and updating your old ones are necessary so you can perform at a high level in your career. These new skills will prepare you to move to the next level or qualify you to better job opportunities, should a career change come to your mind. Good career seminars and trainings come with a price, but their benefits make every cent worth it.

Building a career network is another entry to add in your career development plan. Keep in touch with your former coworkers and professors. Provide them information on how you are planning to progress in your career and offer them help with theirs too. Keeping a career network can be quite handy for career change -- your contacts will be an excellent source of motivation when you embark on another search for Singapore jobs and some of them can point you to hidden jobs too, from accounting jobs in Singapore to telecom jobs.

Keeping an alpha-employee status is the surest way to career progress. How can you achieve such a status? Simple. By making adjustments. Go the extra mile. Take on additional assignments to impress your boss, for instance. The best employees are the most dedicated ones; doing your job to the best of your ability and showing up on time always will prove to your boss that you are reliable and thus, an asset to the company. As you develop alpha points in your office, your worth also increases.

You should also focus on relationship building. Be friendly and professional with your coworkers. We also suggest you socialize more so you can add more entry to your contacts list.

Speaking of your boss, another thing that you should add to your career development plan is how you can improve your communication with him. Do not hesitate to let him hear your ideas and concerns. The additional benefit of doing this is, your boss may know of a better opportunity within the company that you can transfer to for better future.

If you are unsure whether you can do all of these on your own or not, you can always consult a professional. is here to lend you a hand too.