Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The HR career route. Career tips. How to make your HR career switch. And more.

Browse through our archives and you'll have these observations: We're talkative (and we admit to that) and we've already written tons of write ups for banking jobs, engineering jobs and hospitality jobs in Singapore. You can't blame us, they're really hot. It's about time we feature something for HR aspirants. If your pursuits are focused on the HR industry, whether you're a fresh graduate or career changer, this post is for you to ponder on.

When it comes to career, there's no easy way out of things. HR jobs may not involve stressing writings tasks like editor jobs or logic problems like sciences jobs, but mind you, the HR path isn't going to let you in without preparation. Think along these lines: design jobs need creativity. Education careers need perseverance. Hotel jobs and food jobs require that you be more friendly and accommodating.

We know, career building is quite complex. That's why we've invited a professional from the human resources industry (and not just "someone") to join us today. Shall we begin?

Generally speaking, what do HR jobs require?
"The capacity to possess a genuine passion for people development", Joanne Chua, a Manager at Robert Walters Singapore and our guest for today thinks so. It's quite understandable why. Much like entertainment jobs and hotel jobs, HR jobs are all about soft skills and EQ competitiveness; the major responsibilities are focused on dealing with people. So, how would you rate yourself in terms of people skills?

Any other?

Actually there are many. Since we want to make things easier for you, here's a list. Joanne describes a competitive HR officer as one who:

  1. has a keen sense of empathy and awareness
  2. is flexible
  3. recognises individuality instead of looking upon employees as a mass
  4. is able to distinguish between the parameters of judging a right from a wrong
  5. has the ability to deal with downsizing and restructuring
Tough? Yes, but don't get the idea that we're discouraging you to pursue your goals. And it's not like you're required to master all these skills. Again, we want you to evaluate yourself.

What do employers look out for?
Relevant experience is out of question, according to Joanne. She encourages fresh graduates to focus on applying to larger organisations since they have better resources for training.

How to compensate?
Making you aware of problems without suggesting solutions is unethical. So how did your evaluation go? Good or not, we suggest you consider attending these training courses from Don't worry, we're not going to bombard you with suggestions.
  1. Emotional Intelligence at Work -- Leslie Choudhury is going to have another session of this on September 17. Mark your calendar.
  2. Success Skills for Secretaries and Support Staff -- HR officers are support people and so, you'll benefit a lot from attending this seminar from Shirley Taylor. She's going to have this again on October 13.
  3. Successful Business Communication Skills -- Something for your communication skills. Shirley Taylor and Alison Lester is scheduled to have this successful seminar again on November 18.
You can look for more options @'s training calendar.

How about for career changers?
Your advantage is that you already have skills that you can use to succeed with your pursuit. According to Joanne, sales professionals and recruitment consultants are the luckiest career changers with regards to this aspect. But of course, everyone has equal chances for success. Please go about the first three questions to see how you can make yourself more bankable.

We wish you luck with your pursuits! Read more from Joanne @ Guide?ID=406. Singapore
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