Thursday, July 29, 2010

Job Singapore style

We hope you're satisfied with the summaries we've done for the latest headlines that matter. The Singapore job market is doing great, right? We're taking today to instruct you on how you can make proper use of the momentum. Please consider employing these tips from us for better results.

How would Singapore go about job hunting if it were to do it? These past few days we've encountered a lot of people on Linkedin and Facebook asking us this curious question. Which among our dozens of job hunting write ups on this blog carry our stand? Makes a point, really. We have this uncanny penchant for job hunting as a topic (if you're an avid follower of this blog... you know) and we've already written plenty about it, but even we are confused as to which to point as the main one. After almost a year of writing job hunting stubs, here IT is.

We view job hunting in four stages: choosing the right industry, creating your resume, preparing for job interviews, and lastly, choosing the best job offer. Singapore would do these if it were to job hunt. As to whether or not you'll follow us step by step, is entirely up to you.

Stage one: Industry exploration
Cheesy title, we know. We can't think of any better way to name this section, really. Here's what we want you to do: find the job function that fits the best with your interests and skills. Don't worry, this won't eat time. You'll only need to list down your personal passions and see them against the available openings in your choice of trade. Feel free to use our jobs portal to do this right.

Why bother doing this? Job mismatch can hit your career hard, so we don't want you to wind up having it as the major hindrance to your plans. What difference will this make? A lot. Allow us to use writing jobs as an example. Such careers have many dimensions -- there are writers in the banking field as well as in media. Technical writing jobs are very different from the writing jobs under the medical services sector e.g. medical transcribing. Do you get what we mean? If you're more into the technicalities of writing, you're better of in an editorial job. If you like being creative, copy-writing jobs under the media industry are for you.

Stage two: Resume writing
Our second most favorite job hunt tips topic, next to job interviews. Anyway, here are our ideas on resume writing. Read on.

If you already have a resume, our first task for you is to review it. Are the entries up to date? On the other hand, what we want fresh graduates to do is to write their first draft using what they've learned from their school counselors.

Done? We want you to review what you've done so far. Are there typos and misspellings? Correct them. Then, check if you've missed one or two of these must-include details in resumes: name, address, contact numbers, personal data, work history (including achievements and note-worthy experiences), educational background, and a summary of your professional qualifications.

Now, this is where it'll get complex. Because we don't believe in a run-of-the-mill approach., we want you to make edits for each of the job ads you're interested in. Base what you'll highlight in your resume from what the job needs.

How about cover letters? Yes! If nothing else, a cover letter is going to bring your resume into sharper focus.

Stage three: Preparing for job interviews
Why do we love writing about job interviews so much? Because of the topic's many intricacies. But don't worry, we're not going to bombard you with too much information here. We only have one word to say: Preparation.

What's with preparing? In order for you to answer with intellect and poise, you have to research -- about the company and their pursuits. By finding your way to the location and preparing your wardrobe a day before the appointment, you'll arrive at the interview on time. Now, are you getting the idea?

Of course what to do during the interview is another matter entirely. Here, the key is being attentive. Lend both your ears to the interviewer, so that you can make sure all your concerns are addressed. This will also make the interviewer feel appreciative towards you.

Also take note of your body language. It's normal to feel nervous, but hide it with a smile. Nothing beats being positive when it comes to impressing employers.

Stage four: Choosing the best offer
We've posted something about this topic on this blog recently. Do you remember? Here's our main advice: don't accept a job offer just because it's the first thing to come along. Weigh in all the advantages and disadvantages before signing anything. How would we evaluate job offers, if we were to do it? We're going to use these parameters:

  • Salary. Which one gives the most respect to your qualifications?
  • Which company do you think is the fairest in grading promotions?
  • Which among your job offers include responsibilities that appeal the most to your interests?
  • Which offers the best benefits?
  • Which offers the best training opportunities?

We greatly encourage you to make use of these parameters. You may add more if you like.

We wish you luck! Want to read more? Here's a trackback for you:

`Resume writing guidelines, job interview tips, our thoughts on career change, and more...

`Ways to ruin a job interview

`Yet another job interview-related post from Singapore. But this time, we're offering a BONUS with it. A big one.

`What to Wear on an Interview

`JobsDB Singapore's Resume Editing Tips

`Before you take a job offer... 10 questions to contemplate on. Singapore
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