Monday, October 4, 2010

Are you planning to upgrade your skills this year? A call for your opinion.

It's our standard mission -- to give you quality reads... always. We're required by our editors back at And yes, that is, 'do it to the point of being annoying'. While that translates to 'produce funny and at the same time relevant articles everyday', we're more than happy to oblige, mind you. A public service career at its best.

See? What more can you ask for? Kidding aside, the fact that blogs aren't supposed to be this annoying should be enough to deliver the reason why we keep on giving our followers, you guys, assignments... tasks to do in relation to career building, from articles to read and master to seminar events and training opportunities to not miss. The realm of career is never at rest, a line we're fond of saying here for a reason; no matter how tiring, you must do your best to cope up with its flow in order to stay relevant. If you care for your career, you won't want to be marked 'almost irrelevant' or 'completely useless' by the country's top employers. Allow us to once again quote our favourite quote from Darryl Wee, Country Head of ACCA: "How to develop - and keep talent - is a pressing issue for many employers around the world. It is also a matter for individuals to take on board too - how they develop and sustain their own talent. Managing one's own talent and career development is important too."

Not really an easy job, but our desire to help as much working professionals as we can fuels our motivation juuussssst right. Of course, there's also the fact that Career Advice and Find Jobs are always updated; we don't have a reason to slack off for lack of things to say because well, these two are always giving us things to talk about.

We've been writing about career for many years now, we hope you'll keep our friendship until the end. Err... somehow that doesn't sound right. Don't get the idea we'll be signing off soon. That's still light years away from happening, so don't worry... your annoying blogger friends are still going to rant and rave for many months to come. But why are we talking like this any way? You know us... considering our quirky nature, this shouldn't come to you as a revelation: We're trying to introduce what we're set to discuss today. There.

Our editors have just posted a new survey question! And this time it's about learning. Talking about seminars again... being annoying. Get the connection of the intro? Those paragraphs didn't just come out of nowhere to confuse you. Nevertheless, Singapore cares for your learning enough to have established Career Events and know that for sure. Now we're calling for your opinion on this particular issue: Are you planning to upgrade your skills this year? This is so that we'll know whether or not to add learning modules in Career Expo 2011 and if we should offer more courses next year under and Career Events. We really need your participation on this.

Results so far? No is leading with 72.97%, which makes us feel bad, somehow. Where did we go wrong? Aren't we good enough writers? Anyway, we're not tasked to rant, but to merely introduce you to the question on hand. So yes, your vote will very much be appreciated. Thank you. Go and cast your vote now at Telling us your reason will be good too. If you have time to spare, don't hesitate to use the comments section to state your reasons.

Or have you voted already? We're not being pushy, but this is for your own do it. Use the comment section too if you like, and then decide on this offer. Do we really have to make an intro for these new seminars from Career Events and You knew that was coming, didn't you?

EQ and You will be happening this Saturday already. Have you registered? With Chiang Wen-Wei as speaker, participants will discover:

  • The significance of EQ in the workplace
  • How to identify and manage emotions and be able to change their moods
  • Tools to relate more effectively with others and develop stronger relationships by building positive emotional bank accounts
Don't miss out on this event. Please call Pei Yan or Linc at 6861 1000 or email us at today.

Working professionals! You might want to recommend to your boss. It's a one stop shop for training opportunities on basic employee skills from writing skills to communication. Here are upcoming seminars that are worthy of noting: Singapore
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For career tips, we recommend Career Advice. From job hunting tips to career development guidelines, get advice from experts @