Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Career building through the use of books.

In the famous words of Congregationalist Henry Ward Beecher, "A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors." To state the point flat out, you should read books. There. Reading books is helpful in career building, what with the fact that such resources are a wonderland of tips and tricks. Just like Singapore news. So helpful in fact, Career Advice has a specific section for good books. Just like Singapore news with News Watch. So important that we can blab and rumble about all the books we've read all we're suffering from a severe case of verbal diarrhea. Just like how news reports inspire us to write.

Okay, forget the last point. We've long been suffering from the blah blah disease, but we hope the point's already delivered. Carving your way to success will be much easier if you consider 'reading books' as vital a factor as 'keeping up with the news', 'consulting career tips' and 'attending career events' in the pursuit, if not a better priority. Yes, amongst our favourite strategies. Though we haven't talked about it on this blog since last year (yes.. we admit to the flaw), that's how important we view the strategy. And now that everything's clear, you should too.

What's up with books and our serious tone for today? What do books have that other career resources don't, say our interviews with career experts on Industry Focus? The short answer would be thorough discussions which come with thorough examples. As for the serious tone: drawing reactions from readers is a complicated concept. You do the math. You know us... we like playing deep like that (plus the fact, we're trying to address another shortcoming, in case you haven't realised already). Anyway...

The point is, we've come to the conclusion during the brainstorm that writing this in our usual carefree manner just won't work. We inject blabs to ease the pressure and remind you that career isn't about torture. For this one, we've decided to hold out. We haven't tackled the topic for so long there's no space for entertainment to spare. So yes, we're that serious. Here we are now, inclining you to pay the nearest book store in your place a visit for new career books and other similar resources.

Going back to why career books are essential in career building... We'll be liars if we deny how much reading career books can improve your journey in the work world. The 'thorough discussions' point that we've raised one or two paragraphs ago is good enough to reason the point out, we suppose. Books have everything, from expansive examples to humor. Plus, the author's experience speaks for itself. Not only are they enjoyable to read but also very rewarding learning-wise. Yes, it's the dynamic we've been trying to accomplish on this blog all this time. Exactly what Sir Beecher meant. Books come with a price, but just think of buying them as an investment.

What types of books should you read? It depends on your current need. Job hunters are greatly encouraged to read books about communication skills, business poise, and body language. On the other hand, we suggest career professionals to read books on EQ competencies, maintaining working relationships, stress busters, and file management. But the possibilities are endless -- we're not saying you should limit your book search with these topics. Think of your need and preferences. Whatever your complicated situation is, we're sure there's a good book out there that can answer all your queries.

Suggestions? Find good books at Training Camp is for you to read if you're in need of motivation. Effective work tips? Building Character, Executive Stamina and Burning The Suit will not just give you what you need but also motivate you to do better. E-Mail Etiquette is worth mentioning here as well, what with the fact that the email is now considered a staple means of communication in the work world. Other books to check out are The Fearless Fish Out of Water, Present for Success, The Levity Effect: Why it pays to lighten up, and The Secret Language of Business.

For job hunters, Good Reading recommends the following books:
ABC to your Dream Job!
Make the Right Career Move

Want to suggest more? The comments section is open for your referrals. If you think those books you've read can be of great help to other people as well, don't hesitate to drop us a note. We'll gladly post them on this blog... the soonest possible. We'll be waiting. Singapore
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